How To Save Your Relationship

Dealing with anger in relationships – Facts men often ignore

How to save a broken relationship when you are constantly fighting and can’t seem to see eye to eye? He said, she said, they said – who is right?

It’s always in the back of your mind, why doesn’t he understand me? Or she can’t seem to get that you need some space, you’re not into all that talking all the time. Is it time you break up, or is there any way to work together to mend, heal and save your relationship?

You need to get your passion back and remember what it was that attracted you in the first place.

To do this you need to be willing to give in a bit and show your willingness to change. It’s not all about you, because a relationship takes two. It’s a dance that must work in harmony with each step building to a climax.

It doesn’t matter if you’re trying to get your girlfriend back, your boyfriend, or your trying to save what you had with your spouse, if you put this into practice, you can have great success.

There are some steps you can take to save a broken relationship, whether you’re still together, or you’re asking “how to get back with my ex?”

  • The first step takes courage because you must be willing to admit you’re wrong. If you’re feeling bitter, angry or stubborn, you need to examine what brought you to this point and then you must see what you did to cause these feelings. Yes, it might be the other person’s fault, but it was your fault as well. Find the fault and fix it.
  • The second step is to be proactive. Do you really want this person back, then you need to be a solution and not a continued problem. You need to see what’s wrong from their point of view and then fix it. Know that you have the power to turn that heart of ice into a heart of gold towards you. Begin to understand what they need and want and, figure out how to deliver.
  • The third step is to take your relationship seriously. Do you want your love with you hand in hand, enjoying your relationship? You need to be honest when you’re bugged and things aren’t going how you would like them to. You’ve got to be willing to give and take. You also need to show that you’re committed to the relationship. Your love doesn’t need to be worrying about where you are or where you’ve been. They need to see you as trustworthy.
  • The fourth step is to bring on the romance. If you want to save a broken relationship, romance is the cement that binds everything together. Sure you were romantic when things began, but how do you keep it up? You keep the fire burning by being spontaneous – not necessarily all of the time, but now and then will certainly be appreciated. Just take a look at what attracted the two of you in the first place and go from there.
  • What can you do to bring on the romance? For a start, flowers are an excellent choice. Believe it or not, a lot of guys don’t mind a similar gift. Maybe not flowers, but something to show your appreciation. Music is a great choice, as you know the style to look for. Jewelry is always an excellent choice – for a guy or a gal.

Finally, you must take the mindset that you are the solution and not the problem. If you still are not completely sure on how to save a broken relationship, you need to understand that you are in this for the long term and you need to show your love. It may take a while to get the fires burning again, but if you follow these steps, you will be well on your way to some lasting love and happiness.


Steve Douglas: My name is Steve Douglas. I am 34 years old from California, US. I, just like millions of men had to go through a break up with my beloved girlfriend. But I was fortunate enough to get her back. After this experience I decided I will create a platform that will help men that are in the same situation as I once was. I hope you enjoy and share my thoughts and recommendations to learn how to get your ex girlfriend back.