The Right Time and Place for a Dream Date


Dating is a dainty art. But you may have to adjust your timing accordingly. Correct timing is an important factor of dating. The right time means the correct occasion for you to ask your girl out for a cozy dinner, or for a night out with friends and her.

Looking at the past, you may feel that you have actually missed out on relationships, not that girls were not available, may be the timing was wrong. For example at 20, you are nowhere around marriageable age and if you meet a dream girl who would not mind the wedlock, it’s all wrong timing.  You may meet a chick girl, when you are on a business visit in some foreign country for a short period, which again may be bad timing. Meeting someone at 25, who would love to be a mother, would again be sad timing. The people we met at cross roads of our life may be the best ones we missed out. But that is the sad truth of life. It’s all about catches and misses. You cannot alter the past nor know the future.

Timing issues are crucial, when you ask a girl out. If the girl’s in a bad mood or is angry with you then the timing is real bad. We may be attracted to a particular girl, but when eventually we muster enough courage to ask her out, we hear that she has just married a hunk last week.  There may be numerous hurdles like, she may be just out of an awful relationship and is on a hate-men attitude. Or, ironically the best girl in the town may be relocating elsewhere, when you are on the verge of asking her for a date. Now wrong timing is not your fault at all, it’s just luck.

If some girl accepts your proposal of a date, the timing can be controlled to an extent. You may want to go on a weekend as you will be free of work the next day and may stay out till late. And many restaurants open out for a special weekend gathering and the atmosphere is right for a date. Clubs and discotheques are far more attractive at weekends and offer more facilities. Yet this may be an eventually bad timing.

You might find a weekend to be alluring and as a perfect set up for a date. But imagine the rush, practically all restaurants and discos are jammed up and crowded on weekends. Your want of little privacy and elusiveness may not be fulfilled. So many people plan their weekends well in advance, that your sudden date and meeting will find no space among crowded alleys. It is a sad fact of life, but weekends are not that attractive for a first date.  If you tend to plan it next week, then some newness is lost. And God knows what may happen during the week. It’s not right to wait that long.

Weekdays may be the other option, but a dull affair compared to the glamorous weekends. You may have numerous chores to complete and a late night at office may jeopardize the whole plan of a date with your ladylove. Weekdays may be formal for an exciting first date prospect. Weeknights are more or less relaxing and informal.

It’s a real tricky situation, and you have to act wisely. You may have to search a place, which is attractive and at the same time a bit secluded than other crowded spots. It needs some hard work on your part, but I am sure to win the heart of your dream date, you may be willing to take everything in your stride without a grimace.

Steve Douglas: My name is Steve Douglas. I am 34 years old from California, US. I, just like millions of men had to go through a break up with my beloved girlfriend. But I was fortunate enough to get her back. After this experience I decided I will create a platform that will help men that are in the same situation as I once was. I hope you enjoy and share my thoughts and recommendations to learn how to get your ex girlfriend back.