Make Your Hormones Work for You

Make Your Hormones Work for You

Although we are no longer teenagers with raging hormones giving us extreme happiness and anger in equal doses, hormones still play a big role in our lives, and our health. Hormones regulate everything in our bodies, and if they are not operating the way they are supposed to, serious health problems can arise, including sleep disorders, weight gain and even diabetes.

Because of this, it is important to be able to understand the hormones in your body and what their roles are as well as symptoms of an imbalanced hormonal level.

The stress hormones, called cortisol and epinephrine, can wreak havoc on your system if they are no kept in check. When stressed, whether at work or at home, or even in a dangerous, life threatening situation, these stress hormones are released, raising your heart rate and providing your body with emergency energy. These are natural defensive chemicals in your brain that are meant to give you the necessary physical prowess to either “fight or flight”.

But because of these chemicals, fat is also instructed to store up in the cells; this usually occurs in the abdomen.

Stress hormones

One way to defend yourself against cortisol is to exercise for at least one hour every day. According to a study conducted by Ohio State University, regular exercise will regulate cortisol levels in your brain. The study also suggested eating organic produce, as pesticides have been associated with the disruption of natural cortisol levels.

Weight hormones

Ghrelin is the hormone that tells you that you are hungry and that you want something to eat. When you have consumed enough grub, your body then secrets cholecystokinin, or CCK, which is your body’s appetite suppressor. The process continues with several other hormones.

If you find that you are hungry and wanting something to eat shortly after finishing a meal? This could be a result of your appetite suppressing hormones were actually sending signals telling your brain that you are actually hungry although your stomach is full. This could lead to liver damage and a resistance to insulin.

The best way to prevent this hormonal imbalance is to either attempt to lose weight or to reduce your sugar intake. The average American eats 22 grams of sugar a day, while the recommended amount is only nine. Try to follow this recommended amount.

Sex hormones

Testosterone is the active hormone responsible for your libido and your erection. The body produces testosterone as a result of the luteinizing hormone (LH); the follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) takes care of producing sperm.

If you find your sex drive running low, it could be a result of estrogen level fluctuations. Estrogen takes testosterone and turns it into fat. To keep your testosterone levels away from the evil estrogen is to hit the gym; building muscle is the best defense against estrogen. By putting the testosterone-estrogen scale in favor of testosterone, your sex drive will increase.