
Foods That Build Muscle or Burn Fat – Carbohydrates
There are 2 types of carbohydrates. Simple sugars and complex carbohydrates (see the tables below for example foods for both). There is a place for both in your diet but, ideally, the majority of your diet will consist of slow-release, unrefined, complex carbohydrates that are high in vitamins, minerals and […]

Foods That Build Muscle or Burn Fat – Carbohydrates

Whey Protein - Building Blocks Of Good Performance Sports Nutrition
Whey Protein and Creatine Everyone believes the best supplements for gaining muscles are whey protein and creatine. Yes, they are very important in a diet to gain muscle but only in specific situations. Along with the infamous, you can also find other interesting products. If you drink multiple protein shakes […]

The Best Supplements For Gaining Muscles: Whey Protein And Creatine

Amino Acids and Over-Training
Several amino acids have been theorized to help decrease the incidence of over-training. Branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) supplementation before and/or during exercise has been suggested to be an effective nutritional strategy to delay the onset of central fatigue. Although there is strong theoretical rationale to support the potential use of […]

Amino Acids and Over-Training