Fruit Tree Pollination

Fruit Tree Pollination – The Honey Compendium

Fruit Tree Pollination Happens Because We Have Honey Bees

Believe it or not, fruit tree pollination is due to honeybee pollination, these little life savers are also responsible for most forms of plant pollination and the reason you are eating that succulent piece of fruit.

Every time we sink our teeth into a sweet tasting piece of luscious fruit, chances are we don’t think for a second where that fruit came from and what it had to do to get to our mouths.

In a way, many people (including me) are actually spoiled these days, if we desire to eat a certain food we can quite simply go to the grocery store and pick it up from the shelves.

Rows upon rows of brightly colored fruits depicting a vibrant array of rainbow stripes. These fruits are vital to maintaining excellent health and Food nutrition facts are something we should all take seriously.

How do Honey Bees Pollinate Fruit Trees?

In order for fruit tree pollination to commence, honey bees will be only too happy to pollinate all of these trees flying from one to another, collecting pollen along the way and transferring it to another fruit tree.

It is also due to these activities we are able to benefit from the health benefits of honey.

In fact, if it were not for the honey bees many of us would never know what a sweet delicious tasting piece of fruit tastes like.

Honey bees are responsible for pollinating almost all of our fruit trees and other essential crops.

Honey bees when you think about everything they do, sound like great creatures which of course they are.

These great little creatures provide us with so much and without them; no one knows what could happen to our fruits and other vegetables that are consumed by millions each and every day.

Fruit tree pollination allows us all to enjoy the fruits of the honey bees labors along with their sensational products Raw Honey for health benefits, Pollen which is also classed as a superfood and Propolis the most natural antibiotic there is.

What Would Happen if Honey Bees didn’t Pollinate?

If you do not believe that honey bees are essential to our eco-system, I feel it is my duty almost to enlighten you. Did you know that honey bees are responsible for pollinating nine of the top plants that produce the essential vitamin, known as Vitamin C.

The pollination efforts of honey bees are responsible for tangerines, watermelon, oranges, melons, apples, plums, pears, strawberries, blueberries and tomatoes just to name a few, and I mean a few.

Without the fruit tree pollination efforts of the honey bees these plants, would cease to grow or be greatly low in supply. Meaning we would not have any of these delicious fruits and vegetables available to us at our convenience, quite scary don’t you think!

Are There Enough Honeybees For Fruit Tree Pollination?

You would think that the honey bee population is extremely large. However, recent studies are showing that the bee population is disappearing at an almost alarming rate.

San Diego Honey Company

There are frightening predictions that one day the honey bee may cease to exist, leaving humanity to find a way to pollinate their own fruits and other essential crops on their own.

The honey bee depletion has been named colony collapse disorder or disappearing bees syndrome; there are no firm indications why this disorder is occurring either.

In fact, in some regions the honey bee population has collapsed so much that organic farmers are having to hire beekeepers to bring their bees out to their land in order to pollinate their fruit trees and crops.

Do Honey Bees only Pollinate Fruit Trees?

Presently in the United Kingdom there are 70 different crops out of the 130 crops that grow in this region that rely on honeybee plant pollination to grow.

Scientists are constantly at work trying to come up with an alternative human made pollination system, but at this present moment nothing seems to be working as successfully as the honey bee.

In the United States alone the honey bee population is worth an estimated $18 billion dollars. So you can imagine that the depletion of this species is going to be extremely detrimental all around the world.

Even though fruit tree pollination seems easy to accomplish, after all it all is the just the transport of seeds from one plant to another, but it is actually extremely difficult to mimic.

Hopefully, scientists can find an alternative to fruit tree pollination or hopefully they will discover a way to save the honey bees.

Actually we can all play a part by growing our own honeybee gardens and planting fruit trees.

The pleasure you will get from watching the honey bees go about their business whilst watching first hand fruit tree pollination is also quite fascinating. And of course, you get to enjoy the fruits of yours and the honey bees labors.