Relationship Advice

Dealing with anger in relationships – Facts men often ignore
Cheating, whether by yourself or your partner can have a devastating effect on your marital relationship.  An extra-marital affair is an embarrassing and heart-breaking situation for both partners and indicates a failure in the level of companionship in your marriage.  Trust and faithfulness are the most critical foundations of any […]

How To Fix A Relationship After Cheating

Dealing with anger in relationships – Facts men often ignore
A Truth About Romance Relationships They say true love will last for all eternity? You know, like you see in plays such as “Romeo and Juliet.” Here these two star-crossed lovers passionately fall for one another, and there is nothing anyone can do about it. Of course, we conveniently forget that they were […]

Fix A Relationship

Dealing with anger in relationships – Facts men often ignore
My Stupid Stupid Boyfriend has a female best friend. She is the BBWBFF* that enlisted Jenny Craig to help her get her man. Then I showed up. The Red Flag moment should have been obvious to me, but just like her weight loss, it was a gradual occurrence. I had […]

My Stupid Stupid Boyfriend

The Signs Of A Cheater
I had the opportunity to talk to a well-respected relationship coach. Grace coaches everyone from married couples to single individuals. In fact, receiving coaching when single is the ideal place to start. It allows people to set themselves up for success right from the beginning. I decided to chat with Grace about the signs […]

The Signs Of A Cheater

Your Stories about Cheating
Thank you again to everyone who opened up and shared their stories! Stay tuned for more posts about how to deal with exes. “We dated for about half of a semester. We were neighbors in the dorm, so we were around each other a lot. I actually walked in on […]

Your Stories about Cheating

Your Stories: The Ex That Is Still in Your Life
Thank you again to everyone who opened up and shared their stories! Stay tuned for more posts about how to deal with exes. “We broke up over a jealousy issue. I was still head over heels for him. It seemed as if he still loved me, but he couldn’t deal […]

Your Stories: The Ex That Is Still in Your Life

Dealing With Exes - The One With a Broken Heart
Occasionally, you may end up wielding all the power in a relationship with one of your exes. When this happens, it’s tempting to keep in touch with your ex and make sure that he is doing alright. But that’s not always the best idea. “I broke up with him,” says […]

Dealing With Exes – The One With a Broken Heart

Dealing with anger in relationships – Facts men often ignore
How to save a broken relationship when you are constantly fighting and can’t seem to see eye to eye? He said, she said, they said – who is right? It’s always in the back of your mind, why doesn’t he understand me? Or she can’t seem to get that you […]

How To Save Your Relationship

Dealing with anger in relationships – Facts men often ignore
After many years I still find myself still giving the same advice to female friends about relationship, and there’s usually two types of problems that I’m asked to “solve”. Firstly, things seemed really perfect at the beginning and then the guy lost interest. Secondly, they’ve been in a relationship for […]

Why Some People Always Attract The Wrong Partners

Dealing with anger in relationships – Facts men often ignore
Trying to make a man want to commit can make women frustrated. You just don’t understand why he won’t take that step. You probably assume he is ready to commit once you have been together for a while, a lot of PDA (Public Display of Affection), sleeping over…etc. Only to […]

What Makes A Man Want To Commit

Dealing with anger in relationships – Facts men often ignore
Do you know what your man really wants? Most females think they know the answer but only to find out their man seem to mentally distant from them. The following  advice is going to help you understand the difference between you and him. And to be aware what he really […]

Relationship Advice for Women

Dealing with anger in relationships – Facts men often ignore
Why do men lie even about small things? This is one of the hardest things women could understand, at least according to my wife’s explanation. I’m not talking about cheating or infidelity, because this happens on both men and women. What I want to discuss here is the lying behavior […]

Why do Men Lie? Even about Small Things